Monday 1 September 2008

John Mayer 'A Nobody' Without Jennifer Aniston

...more John Mayer �

John Mayer is apparently finding that life without Jennifer Aniston is more lonely than he anticipated.

If you believe the latest reports, it's non so lots that he's missing his ex-girlfriend, but more that he's missing the paparazzi entourage that tailed him during the five-month-long fling.

The singer has reportedly been getting the cold shoulder from the press since splitting from Jen early this month.

�He thinks he�s as famed as Jen now. Last week he went to a party, tipped off the paps, and even had lure cars at the ready when he was leaving,�

�Nice, but no one bothered to follow them, which made John think he �lost� everyone, when really no unmatched bothered to follow him,� says one paparazzo.

It seems John simply doesn�t sell as well as a single guy, as when he has a superstar lady friend on his arm.�

All of which begs the doubtfulness - who's next?